Upcoming Events Heading link

Empowering Women To Be Future Leaders In Tech Heading link

“I think one of the big challenges is actually cultivating beginners’ minds and making sure you’re still open to the world and continue to see new things. You can actually get jaded. You can stop seeing things that are new. You can start fearing failure. Those are the things an entrepreneur needs—an open mind and the ability to see the world with new eyes.”

Caterina FakeCo-Founder of Flickr and Hunch

Women in Computer Science Heading link

Reem and Pooja

WiCS works hard to continue to hold events throughout the academic school year. We continue to co-sponsor the Fall Annual Scavenger Hunt as well as: hosting Alumni guest speakers, tech talks, Inside Scoop, etc. We greatly appreciate all the people who come to support us and learn more about us. We would love to host an event with recruiters, Alumni, professors, professionals, etc!

Feel free to contact our event coordinators: Nandana Sheri at nsher3@uic.edu and Meleena Torres at mtorr20@uic.edu.